Jims Catalogue
PRICES The prices for all JIMS ® parts are F.O.B. Camarillo, CA. We reserve the right to change prices and/or discounts without notice and to bill at the prevailing prices at the time of shipment. Please check invoice for changes. ORDERING Our goal is to handle your order as quickly and efficiently as possible. To help us do this you will be assigned a dealer representative. Please have your customer number, full purchaser’s name, part numbers, and quantities ready when you call. Orders may also be placed in writing or via fax. Special order forms are not necessary. Please include, a phone number where you can be reached during business hours, a ship- ping address and shipping preference: UPS - Red (1 day), Blue (2 day), Orange (3 day), or Ground. If no preference is indicated, order will be sent UPS ground. BACKORDERS JIMS ® makes an ongoing effort to improve parts availability, however, backorders cannot always be avoided. Items not in stock at the time of order will be placed on backorder. Once parts are available the customer will be notified (only once) by phone for authorization to ship. Order will be canceled if authorization is not received within one week. The customer shall assume responsibility of notifying JIMS ® if the parts are no longer needed. Invoice will show the items that have been backordered. REFUSED SHIPMENTS Orders that are refused or returned to JIMS ® for reasons such as “lack of cash on hand” or “no one available to receive shipment”, etc. are subject to a 20% restock- ing fee. Additionally, the customer is liable for all shipping charges. Any restocking fees and shipping charges that total $50.00 or more must be paid before any future business transactions are made. Charges less than $50.00 will be added to the cus- tomer’s next purchase. After two refused shipments, all future orders will be released only after prepayment of invoice total. A pattern of refused orders may result in ter- mination of customer account. SHIPPING Prompt service and accurate orders are our primary consideration. Orders are nor- mally processed and shipped the same day received, provided they are received before 2:00 p.m. Pacific Standard Time.
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