Jims Catalogue
DISCLAIMER The words Harley ® , Harley-Davidson ® and H-D ® and all H-D ® part numbers and model designations are used in reference only. JIMS ® is in no way associated with or author- ized by Harley-Davidson ® Motor Co. to manufacture and sell any of the engine parts described in this catalog.The installation of JIMS ® parts may void or otherwise adversely affect your factory warranty. It is the sole and exclusive responsibility of the user to determine the suitability of the product for his or her use, and the user shall assume all legal, personal injury risk and liability and all other obligations, duties and risks associated therewith. RETAIL SALES As a JIMS ® Distributor or Dealer you are assured that we will not sell directly to retail customers, and our products will only be available through independently owned and operated legitimate motorcycle businesses (licensed commercial places of busi- ness serving the general public primarily in the area of motorcycle sales, service, and/or parts and accessories). Retail customers in possession of this catalog will be able to use it for reference only. SALES JIMS ® parts are obtainable from many shops and dealerships throughout the world. If an individual does not have access to one of our dealers, please contact us. In order to receive dealer prices, new customers must provide proof of bonafide motor- cycle business operation in the form of a photo copy of Sellers Permit, business let- terhead and/or business card, photograph of storefront and 3 (three) trade/credit references, within the motorcycle industry. TERMS Dealers - We gladly accept any size order, however, a service charge of $10.00 will be added to orders under $100.00. All orders will be sent C.O.D., certified check / money order, Visa ® or MasterCard ® in the continental USA. Company checks will be accepted from dealers whose financial histories warrant it. Any orders from outside the USA must be prepaid in US funds via wire transfer, a transfer fee will apply, or by Visa ® or MasterCard ® , a handling fee will apply to all credit card transactions. A $10.00 service charge will be applied to all drop-ship requests.
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